Egy 15-ös, 24-es vagy 30 töltényes tárral működő francia géppuska volt. 1931-től kezdve a KMT kormány viszonylag nagy számnal rendelt belőle. Több, mint 3000 db érkezett Kínába, és a Központi Kormányzaton kívül még a dél-kínai kormány is vásárolt a francia könnyűgéppuskából. Relatíve lassú, 450 lövés per perces tűzgyorsaságot tudhatott magának, s habár a teljesítménye nem érte el a korabeli könnyűgéppuskákét, a Kína szerte használt 7.92x57mm-es lőszerre átalakítva elnyerte a katonák tetszését.
ENG: A 15, 24 or 30-round strip-fed French machine gun. Since 1931, the KMT Government purchased quite a large number of the M1922. Over 3000 of them were imported to China and local government in Southern China also bought some of the French-made light machine gun, firing 450 rpm and shooting 7.92 Mauser cartridge, the slow rate of fire and the change from French cartridge to local Mauser cartridge, made the Chinese liked this gun. Despite its relatively inferior performance, it matched with Chinese people’s merits: frugal (saving ammo), flexible (7.92 caliber version for local market).
ENG: A 15, 24 or 30-round strip-fed French machine gun. Since 1931, the KMT Government purchased quite a large number of the M1922. Over 3000 of them were imported to China and local government in Southern China also bought some of the French-made light machine gun, firing 450 rpm and shooting 7.92 Mauser cartridge, the slow rate of fire and the change from French cartridge to local Mauser cartridge, made the Chinese liked this gun. Despite its relatively inferior performance, it matched with Chinese people’s merits: frugal (saving ammo), flexible (7.92 caliber version for local market).
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