Az első BAR model amit az NRA katonái használtak, a belga FN M1930-as modell volt. A tárja 20db 7.92-es Mauser lőszert tudott befogadni, tűzgyorsasága elérte az 550-650 lövés per percet. A gyors csőcsere lehetőségének és a pisztolymarkolatnak köszönhetően a fegyver célratarthatósága és működtetése lehetővé tette a hosszantartó tűztámogatást, mindezt kimondottan nagy pontossággal ötvözve. 29.550 db Belga BAR került a nacionalista haderőhöz 1933-1939 között, és kiváló szolgálatot tett a németek által kiképzett elithadosztályok, csak úgy, mint a többi más hadosztály kötelékein belül.
ENG: The first BAR model used by NRA soldiers was the Belgian FN M1930 model. Its magazine could hold 20 rounds of 7.92 Mauser ammunition, with a rate of fire of 550-650 rounds per minute. Thanks to its rapid barrel change and pistol grip, the weapon's accuracy and operation allowed for long fire support, combined with outstanding accuracy. 29,550 Belga BARs were added to the Nationalist forces between 1933 and 1939, and served with distinction in the elite German-trained divisions, as well as in the units of other divisions.
ENG: The first BAR model used by NRA soldiers was the Belgian FN M1930 model. Its magazine could hold 20 rounds of 7.92 Mauser ammunition, with a rate of fire of 550-650 rounds per minute. Thanks to its rapid barrel change and pistol grip, the weapon's accuracy and operation allowed for long fire support, combined with outstanding accuracy. 29,550 Belga BARs were added to the Nationalist forces between 1933 and 1939, and served with distinction in the elite German-trained divisions, as well as in the units of other divisions.
Az M1918A2-es modellt először a Kínai Expedíciós Haderő (X és Y Force) kapta meg az indiai valamint a burmai hadjárat során a többi amerikai felszereléssel együtt. A tárba 20db 7.62x63mm-es (30-06-os) lőszer fért el, és a Lassú Tüzelési módban 350-450, a Gyors Tüzelési módban pedig 550-650 lövés per perces tűzgyorsaságot tudhatott magáénak a fegyver. Ahogyan az amerikai alakulatoknál egy szakaszon belül, itt is ugyanúgy az automata fegyverért felelős katona kapta meg ezt a fegyvert.
ENG: The M1918A2 model was first received by the Chinese Expeditionary Forces (X and Y Forces) during the Indian and Burma campaigns, along with other US equipment. The magazine held 20 rounds of 7.62x63mm (30-06) ammunition and had a rate of fire of 350-450 rounds per minute in Slow Fire mode and 550-650 rounds per minute in Rapid Fire mode. As with the US units within a platoon, the soldier in charge of the automatic weapon was assigned this weapon.
ENG: The M1918A2 model was first received by the Chinese Expeditionary Forces (X and Y Forces) during the Indian and Burma campaigns, along with other US equipment. The magazine held 20 rounds of 7.62x63mm (30-06) ammunition and had a rate of fire of 350-450 rounds per minute in Slow Fire mode and 550-650 rounds per minute in Rapid Fire mode. As with the US units within a platoon, the soldier in charge of the automatic weapon was assigned this weapon.
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